Small Business Administration 8(a) Sole Source
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Small Business Administration 8(a) Sole Source
- Prime Contractor Name: Capital Gateway Consulting LLC
- Entrance Date: July 7, 2020
- Exit Date: July 06, 2030
- Contract Number: C00m1I
- DUNS Number: 832773175
- CAGE Code: 5TG25
The Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Sole Source vehicle enables agencies to engage in direct buy contracts with certified contractors. Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act as amended by Congress, created the 8(a) business development program enabling the SBA to assist small, disadvantaged firms to develop their businesses. In applying to the program, a firm is rigorously evaluated on its ownership, operations, financial health, and past performance. Once accepted, the firm is required to provide SBA with a detailed business plan and annually show continued success as a viable, strong business entity. Firms that are approved are certified by the SBA for a period of nine years. The SBA has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Federal Agencies allowing them to contract directly with certified 8(a) firms. Participants can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4.5 million for goods and services.
The federal government has a goal to award at least 5% of all federal contracting dollars to small disadvantaged/8(a) businesses each year. Awards can be:
- Competitive 8(a) set-aside contracts
- Sole-source 8(a) contracts (if the agency determines that the qualified small business is responsible; the resulting contract can be awarded at a fair market price, and the government estimate doesn’t exceed $4.5 million for all other requirements).
The 8(a) Sole Source Vehicle provides agencies with a simplified and shortened acquisition procedure:
- Expedited process of an 8(a) Sole Source contract can be executed usually within ten business days.
- Reduced administration to include lowering costs, procurement process and time.
- Best value and cost-effective prices where agencies negotiate with the firm directly to get the best value.
- Capital Gateway Consulting (CGC) provides a Small Business Credit: SDB 8A, SB
How to award a streamlined 8(a) Sole Source Contract:
- The Government Program Manager (PM) develops a Statement of Work (SOW) and secures funding.
- Having the choice to choose Capital Gateway Consulting LLC (CGC) to perform the work, the Program Manager (PM) submits a “Procurement Request” to his/her agency’s Contracting Officer (CO).
- The (CO) sends an Offer Letter including the agency contact person’s name, contact numbers including fax number and e-mail address along with the “Statement of Work” (SOW) via email to the (SBA) point of contact requesting permission to conduct a “Sole Source” contract award to Capital Gateway Consulting LLC (CGC).
- The SBA confirms eligibility and authorizes the negotiations – usually within 48 hours.
- The contracting officer (CO) sends the “Statement of Work” (SOW) and a “Request for Proposal” (RFP) or “Request for Quotation” (RFQ) to Capital Gateway Consulting (CGC).
- Capital Gateway Consulting (CGC) then submits a proposal to the agency Program Manager (PM) and to the Contracts Officer (CO) for evaluation. “HENCE” a “Simplified Acquisition Effort” does not require a “Technical and “Cost” proposal.
- Upon receipt, the agency contracting officer (CO) negotiates the costs and terms of the proposal with Capital Gateway Consulting (CGC).
- If the proposed estimate exceeds the “Simplified Acquisition Threshold” the agency’s contracting officer (CO) resends the (RFP) or (RFQ) back to Capital Gateway Consulting requesting a “Technical” and “Cost” proposal.
- Upon completion of the negotiation, the agency’s contracting officer (CO) prepares a “Sole Source” contract award and sends to Capital Gateway Consulting LLC (CGC) for signature.
- On receipt of the fully executed contract from the agency’s contracting officer (CO), the contract period of performance (POP) then begins at the stated date in the contract.
This entire acquisition process should take two weeks or less in duration.
Contact us
We'll schedule a discussion of the project requirements, timeline, and pricing.
Contact the SBA
Reach out to with an offering letter including all applicable information as stated in FAR part 19.804-2 Agency Offering.
Specify a request for “Sole Source Award” to Capital Gateway Consulting LLC.
SBA will confirm Capital Gateway Consulting LLC’s eligibility for the award and will respond within 10 business days or less with acceptance of the 8(a) contract award.
SBA 8a Program Management Contact Information:
Anthony B. DeWitt
Contracts Manager
Phone: 703-542-4120